Tradesense (a.k.a.Horse Sense)

This Blog was launched on 9th October 2008 just after the beginning of the worst financial crises the world is witnessing and fear seems to be reaching its peak.

Sixthsense investing appears to be the need of the time!! The intention is tickle it every week.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Financial Crisis - A Humorous Recall

Doing my bit to cheer up after a horrendous 2008. The collection is from various sources on the Internet. Enjoy!

And some India related


  1. Reflections : Purchasing power of Indian consumer to grow following good agricultural season and harvest. Industrial production may grow more than rate of 9.6% powered by core sectors such as electricity, coal, cement, steel, crude oil and petro-products

  2. Indian equity research center
    Indian industrial output is calculated by the index of industrial production ( IIP ). Indian Industry will perform better this year.Also this year (2011) food grain production may touch record high due to favorable climate and monsoon.


Look forward to your views/comments.